Category Archives: Previous meetings

Previous meetings hosted on the site

Download the program and upload your presentation

The abstract book is finally at the printers and we’ll make it available for you to download soon. In the meantime we’ve made an A3, day-to-a-page program available for you to peruse.

Are you ready to upload your presentation? If you want to avoid the queues at the registration desk, feel free to send it to us now. Shoot us a quick email and we’ll send you a secure link to upload the file in your web browser. If you later decide to make some slight adjustments you can always replace the version we have on file. Email:

Actions update

Early bird prices were due to close today (Friday, 22 September) — but we have a brief reprieve in that if you have registered in time you can still pay at that rate before Friday, 29 September. Details on the website.

A little later than planned, but applications are now open for places in the Career Development Workshop to be run by Nerida Wilson. There are 15 places and the cost is $90. Workshop details and the application form is available on the Associated Events page. You will need to have registered, but not necessarily paid yet, for the conference to apply for the workshop.

Abstracts are also due soon…

Ready for abstract submissions

Here’s what you have all been waiting for… conference abstract submission time. We’re ready to accept your abstracts as soon as you can get them to us and that is to be before the end of the month. The process is simple, so you can spend those extra few moments ensuring you don’t exceed the word count.

Just download the template, complete it and email it back to us—details are available now.

Registrations open

We’re slowly winding up here preparing for the Systematics 2017 meeting — Integrating Systematics for Conservation and Ecology. Registration is open, you can let us know if you want to present and we’re accepting payments. Soon we’ll have a lot more information regarding keynotes and other events, and also we’ll start accepting abstracts—so sharpen your pencils and join the word cloud.