Category Archives: news

ASBS 2021 new website

Please note that ASBS 2021 has moved to a new website so this will be the last update from here.

We invite you to join the first virtual conference for the Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS), 12–16 July 2021, registration is now open. This year’s conference is Biodiverse Futures—Systematics in a Changing World. The scientific program offers keynote addresses, symposium presentations, speed talks, virtual poster/short video/animations, and pre-conference workshops. There will also be ample time for networking and interest-group meetings using the conference networking platform.

Please visit the conference website at

2020 postponement

Due to the rapidly changing nature of the Coronavirus outbreak and uncertainties regarding future travel restrictions at international and national level which may affect your ASBS 2020 conference participation in July, the ASBS conference committee has decided to reschedule the conference for a later date this year.

The ASBS 2020 conference is now scheduled for 22 to 27 November. The venue will remain the same.

We will provide further updates on the conference website in due course.

Save the date—Cairns 2020

Save the date — November 22–27 2020
Cairns, Queensland, Australia

We invite you to join us at the Australasian Systematic Botany Conference in Cairns, north Queensland. This will be an exciting opportunity to view our research in a global context and how it contributes to addressing the big challenges such as biodiversity loss, climate change, habitat degradation and invasive species. We will also explore how new technologies such as artifical intelligence, machine learning, genomics and digital collections offer exciting opportunities to improve the way we meet those challenges in the context of national and international collaborations and knowledge exchange between cultures and across borders.

The conference will be held on the James Cook University campus in the Cairns Institute conference hall.

  • Get up to date information from our stimulating and comprehensive range of speaker presentations
  • Explore North Queensland’s World Heritage Listed tropical rainforests on our field trips
  • Network with colleagues and friends, old and new
  • Discuss and learn at our workshops
  • Visit the Australian Tropical Herbarium (CNS)

Feel free to contact the organising committee by email if you have any queries otherwise we will keep subscribers to this web site up to date with developments, or follow us on Twitter for announcements.

We look forward to seeing you in Cairns soon.

The Organising Committee—Katharina Nargar, Darren Crayn, Ashley Field, John Clarkson and Frank Zich

Original date was 19–24 July 2020, now postponed