2019 ASBS–NZPCN Joint Conference Payment Page

Please note—registrations have closed! If you have not already paid your conference fees or for workshops and field trips it is probably too late. Please do not submit any further payments here unless you have been specifically directed to by an Organising Committee member by direct correspondence.

This payment information is for those who have already submitted their registration form for the 2019 ASBS-NZPCN Joint Conference and received their registration code—this code is required before proceeding. (If you have registered and don’t have a record of your registration code please email a human so we can help plants2019nz@gmail.com)

What am I paying for?

This payment form can be used to pay for conference registration, welcome reception, conference dinner, workshops, and field trips. Each of these items comprise the five different sections in this payment form—please make sure you scroll to the end of the form to see all five sections.

This payment page and cart can be used to pay for more than one registrant at a time if desired, but add each registrant to the cart separately so that you can include the appropriate registration code for each individual. You can also pay for guests to attend the dinner and/or welcome function. Please note conference registration is required to attend workshops and field trips.

Ready to pay?

Make sure you know whether you membership is financial (New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) staff can register using the members rate, as DOC is a corporate member of NZPCN), and which workshop (1–7) and field trip (1–5) you want to join before you start adding items to your cart.

Payments are being securely processed by PayPal, however you do not need a PayPal account to pay—a variety of credit cards are accepted.

Complete one section at a time and add to cart. Your options will be accumulated in your PayPal Cart which will usually be displayed in a second browser window or tab each time you press an add to cart button. From the cart window you can return to this page to include additional items by pressing Continue shopping > (usually top right of window). You will need to include your registration code for every item you wish to add†. You can open the Cart window manually by pressing the View Cart button from this payment webpage.

Please note that if you forget to pay for something, wish to add another activity after you’ve paid your conference fees, or simply need to use two different credit cards to pay for different parts of your registration—you can make as many seperate payments at different times as needed using the same registration code (so that we know it’s all you!).

Once you have paid, you will immediately receive a confirmation email from Pay Pal, which is your receipt. If you have not received this email, please check your spam folder. If you require an additional GST receipt, please email the conference organisers to ask for one.

No credit card?

For New Zealand based attendees, payment is also possible via internet banking directly into the NZPCN Conference BNZ bank account. Once you have registered, please pay the total sum owed to 02-0500-0373807-015 and use your registration code as a reference. Please email us at plants2019nz@gmail.com with any queries.

Ensure you pay the correct amount for your registration, the early-bird rates no longer apply—if you added an early bird amount to your cart prior to the the 30 August cutoff it might still be present in your cart. In that case, you will need to remove that item and add the current priced registration back in.

Which day (single day)?
Will registrant attend Welcome Function (free)?
Your registration code

Conference extras—Welcome Function and Dinner
Welcome—Sunday, 24 November; Dinner—Tuesday, 26 November.
Your registration code

Workshops—Sunday 24 November (see descriptions)
Your registration code

Field Trips—Wednesday 27 November (see descriptions)
Your registration code