Final conference programme now available!

In case you missed it—the conference programme is now available to download. Registrants will receive a hard copy of the programme in the conference satchel upon arrival, so there is no need to print it out.

We have also made recent changes to the website to reflect the most up-to-date information in the programme.

Those of you attending workshops and/or field trips should have received an email regarding the leaders, programme, venue, etc. for your specific activity.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conference at the Conference Registration and Welcome Function at Te Papa in Icon (Level 2) on Sunday 24 November. You can pick up your conference satchel and name tag at Registration from 16:30, followed by the Welcome Function which starts at 17:30 and runs until 20:00. The Welcome Function is free for all conference delegates and includes canapés (from 17:30–18:30), one drink ticket (followed by cash bar until 20:00), and special after-hours access to the Te Taiao / Nature exhibition (from 18:30–20:00).

Ngā mihi nui
Nā Rewi Elliot and Heidi Meudt
Co-organisers of the 2019 ASBS–NZPCN Joint Conference